dimanche 11 novembre 2007

Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan

Have you been looking to consolidate your credit card debt and your other debts, but have a bad reputation on your credit history? You will notice in your quest that many options are now available online to help you in consolidating your debt. Whether you want an unsecured debt consolidation loan to consolidate credit card debt or any kind of debt you might currently have, you can locate it on the internet if you know what you are searching for. Below are some of the debt services currently available to you online.

If it’s a consolidation loan you are want, you will need to qualify just like with any other type of loan. If you are a lucky enough to own a home, your best bet could be in the form of a home equity loan. You might qualify to borrow money in excess of the amount of available equity with certain types of home equity loans.

If you don’t want your assets tied up, you will need to qualify for what is called an unsecured loan. This will put all of your debt into one monthly payment without the risk of loosing any of your current assets.

Some companies have plans in place to assist you with getting a handle on your debt without even getting a loan. They will normally charge a small fee for this service, but they will have the know-how to negotiate lower interest rates for your and they will even manage your monthly payments too. Each company is different about the various ways they go about doing this and every program has their own method. Generally, these plans will save you money by lowering the interest rate so that more of your payment goes toward the principle of your credit card balances.

As long as it is a reputable, highly known company, they are well worth the fee that is required for this service. Don't forget to do your research with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) before signing any contract with a company.

Consolidating your debt now can be the easiest way to relieve the stress you face at the end of the month and ease your worries about not having enough money to pay just the minimum balances on your credit cards and other bills.

Many online consolidation loan companies can offer a free online debt consolidation quote to you. Your work is to find out about a company before you even get a free online debt consolidation quote from them. Learn about a company's reputation, success rate, terms and interest rate.

Now that you are more familiar with how bad credit debt consolidation works and the importance of requesting free quotes, you probably want to see just how much you can save with a debt consolidation loan. A great place to learn more about debt consolidation, and get free quotes, is http://debtconsolidationsource.googlepages.com an excellent online resource with lots of valuable information on debt consolidation.

To compare free debt consolidation quotes and find your perfect consolidation loan Click Here!

Copyright © 2007 - Zach Ford - All Rights Reserved

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zach_Ford

A Startling Fact About Unsecured Loan For Debt Consolidation

It is very appropriate for you to consider an unsecured debt consolidation loan when probing for a loan to consolidate your debts. It is really suitable whether you are trying to consolidate your credit cards, students or other kinds of debts. With an unsecured debt consolidation loan, the loan is not tied to any valuable assets you own. This is distinct from a secured debt consolidation loan where you have to supply collateral, for instance a home before being given such a loan.

An unsecured debt consolidation loan affords you the capacity to consolidate all your debts into one monthly payments at a reduced amount without having to risk the loss of your valuable property. Moreover, a single monthly payment aid you to concentrate on other essential things of life instead of having to worry about paying various creditors.

The first thing you should do is to find a lender that can aid you out of your debt problems. In other words, get a lender that will suit your needs. How do you go about this? The information superhighway is the answer. It will save you a lot of time and trouble searching from one company to another. If you do it right, you will be able to eliminate all illegitimate debt consolidation companies offering unsecured debt consolidation loans. A good way to do this is to make a request for a free quote. Note the word 'free'. If the company is soliciting for a token amount to do that, then you must look elsewhere and never engage them. The quote should be free.

Once you have been able to prune out the bad ones, it is now time to patiently research the remaining ones. I bet most of the well-known ones will be there. My usual recommendation is to for go for these companies. This is because of their high reputation in the market. Also, they have been in the business for many years. But make sure you check with the Better Business Bureau before engaging them. They may no longer be reputable as you once thought.

Be aware that you must qualify for the loan before you can be given, just like what obtains in any other kind of loan. You need to know that qualifying for a loan such as unsecured debt consolidation loan is steadily very hard. This is because there is no collateral involved. But some banks out there are enthusiastic to give this kind of loan to people with bad credit history. Try shopping for them if you or a loved one has bad credit history.

Debt Consolidation Class contains useful articles on various subjects of debt consolidation such as student debt consolidation, debt consolidation loan etc. Get these FREE info at http://www.debtconsolidationclass.com

Reverse Mortgage

Should Your Parents Consider a Reverse Mortgage?

Are your parents struggling to make ends meet with their retirement income? Many homeowners are taking advantage of reverse mortgages as a means of being able to live more comfortably during their retirement years. A reverse mortgage offers individuals aged 62 or older to tap into the equity in their homes as a means of supplementing their monthly incomes.

Getting a reverse mortgage does not involve selling the home, nor does it require the homeowner to take on a new monthly payment. With a reverse mortgage, instead of the homeowner paying the lender, the lender pays the homeowner. Reverse mortgages can come in very handy for helping with day-to-day living expenses, as well as with unexpected and emergency expenses.

Your parents could receive additional income each month with a reverse mortgage. Some individuals opt to receive their reverse mortgage payments in a lump sum instead of monthly payments, and others choose to set their funds up so they can simply draw against them as needed. A reverse mortgage can help with daily living expenses, or with the unexpected such as medical bills or emergencies such as car or home repairs.

Reverse mortgages are available for individuals who still have a mortgage on their homes, but are best used in situations in which a homeowner has outright title to his or her dwelling. When there is no prior debt on the home, homeowner is able to draw against the full value of their real estate.

Reverse mortgages are still loans, and do have to be paid back. If your parents were to move out of the home, sell their home, or pass away, the loan would have to be repaid in full. Assuming the home sells for the amount owed, or more, the loan is simply repaid from the proceeds. The element of risk comes in here. If the home sells for less money than is owed on the reverse mortgage, alternative arrangements will have to be made for repaying the remainder of the loan.

For individuals in the right situation, reverse mortgages are an ideal solution to post-retirement living. For individuals who plan to sell their home within a few years, it may not make financial sense to take out a reverse mortgage due to the upfront costs. However, if you are parents are in good health and plan to stay in their home for the rest of their lives, a reverse mortgage may be a great solution for supplemental income.

Your parents probably worked very hard to build equity in their home, so it is good to know that they have an option to put that equity to use during their retirement years. The decision about a whether or not a reverse mortgage is right for your parents lies with them. It isn't your decision, but by becoming knowledgeable about how reverse mortgages work, you can be of great assistance to them as they investigate their options and make their final decision.

Looking for more home refinance information? Look no further then Refinancing Right. We provide comprehensive and easy to understand research material for people looking to refinance their homes.

This is one area where ignorance isn't bliss - it's expensive. So make sure you are up to date and up to speed on the various options you have for refinancing your home. Don't wait to the last minute when you are sitting in front of a pushy mortgage broker to ask questions. Get your questions answered now.

Fixed Interest Rates & 2nd Homes - Deal with the Direct Lender

In the financial world, going in reverse can mean gaining ground! By using a Reverse Mortgage, many seniors are getting money out of their homes by using equity to earn a tax-free income. If you own a home or condo worth $ 100,000 +, a Reverse Mortgage can be a major benefit. With real estate values continuing to drop, now is the time to take advantage of the various Reverse Mortgage programs before property values drop further. "For many seniors their home is the largest asset," said Stu Naar, Branch Manager for US Financial Mortgage Corp. in Boca Raton, Florida, and "although many shudder at the thought of borrowing on it, a home is a viable way to increase monthly income, providing extra cash for future stability."

As Reverse Mortgages gain in popularity, we now have more programs to offer with Fixed Interest Rates, and loans for 2nd homes. The reverse mortgage doesn't have to be paid until the homeowner sells the home or passes away, and the title to the home will remain in their name. Many people are confused about this product line. "Even if you have a current "forward" mortgage, the reverse mortgage may be the answer because the current mortgage would be paid off and you would still have additional savings," remarked Naar. There are 4 "Nevers" to keep in mind with a Reverse Mortgage.

1) You NEVER make a payment while living in the home.
2) You NEVER give up title to YOUR home
3) You are NEVER forced to move out
4) You and your estate can NEVER owe more than the value of the property at the time of sale.

A reverse mortgage is not only for homeowners that are financially strapped; it is also a means of improving a senior's quality of life. This is without a doubt, a true "Financial Strategy" that seniors should consider, especially if they are planning on staying in the property for at least 3-4 years or more.

Most banks are not originating Reverse Mortgages, since their profit is realized only when the loan is paid in full at the time the owners decide to sell the property. The homeowner does not make any monthly payments on the money taken with a Reverse, and pays off the total whenever they are ready. There are myths about Reverse Mortgages that need to be dispelled and explained to all potential clients prior to them proceeding. Mortgage companies originating this product have an obligation of Integrity and Honesty in providing the best possible advice to clients to tell a prospective client whether or not the Reverse Mortgage is in their best interest, based upon their individual circumstances.

As Reverse Mortgages gain in popularity, due to the ever increasing cost of living, Senior's are investigating this product thoroughly, making sure that the Lender they select is practicing a very rigid Code of Ethics, and has a good rating with the Better Business Bureau. You hear too many horror stories about unethical Mortgage Loan Officers and Brokers attempting to deceive people with "bait and switch tactics." Because of this increase in popularity, the addition of the Fixed Rate Reverse Mortgage, and loan availability on second homes is jumping to the forefront of conversations among Seniors.

For a free phone consultation, answers to your questions, and an informational packet on Reverse Mortgage programs, call Stu Naar, Certified Senior Advisor(CSA)®, and Branch Manager with US Financial Mortgage, in Boca Raton, at 561-995-2111 or 800-616-4008, or visit http://www.stunaar.com to use our Reverse Mortgage Calculator. Watch for our upcoming schedule of weekly FREE Lunch Seminars in South Florida.

Gold Investments

Wealth Building Thru Gold Investing

I took me a good year and a half to get back into the groove after the pounding I took during the internet implosion of 2000. That was an extremely painful year and I was in no hurry to donate more money to Wall Street. I tried a few of the same old things from 2000 in early 2002 with little success. By late 2002, I discovered Adam Hamilton and the world of commodity stock investing.

Since I worked in high tech, I had seen first hand how tons of money was plowed into anything internet related. Engineers with Power Point presentations had gotten millions of dollars in venture capital money, while capital intensive areas such as mining were ignored. The payback on an internet investment was infinitely shorter than an investment in mining. Mining companies had to find deposits, mine and then sell it. There were environmental and political issues to overcome as well as potential labor problems. With virtually no investments going into mining, it made sense that commodity prices were in the dump.

As I learned more about commodities, I understood why most of Main Street avoided investing in this area. Investing in mining companies have too many moving parts. Not only are you concerned about the company’s fundamentals, but direction of the commodity itself plays a major factor. Gold stocks seldom go up if the gold itself is trending down. There is also political risk. Gold is found in all parts of the world and sometimes the governments play by their own rules. Every now and then, a non-mining friendly government seizes a mine after companies have invested millions in development. Unfortunately, there are many more factors affecting the price Gold. In Adam Hamilton’s latest essay, he list 10 factors affecting Gold’s price.

Many people believe that we are in the second phase of a secular bull market in gold. If that is true investment demand will trump all other drivers; which happens to be the easiest of the factors to comprehend. Basic economics state that when demand exceeds supply, prices rise. Rising prices provide incentive for producers to increase production. However, like already discussed - it takes more than a Power Point presentation to produce Gold. In other words, prices will continue to rise until demand is satisfied.

The question becomes what will cause investment demand too increase. In November 2004, GLD a gold exchanged traded fund (ETF) was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. For the first time investors could purchase gold as easily as purchasing a stock. No more trips were required to the local coin dealer. No more concerns about storage. Simply click a few buttons and you are an owner of gold. GLD has become one of the fastest growing ETFs in the United States.

Not only has GLD provided opportunities for individuals, but also for many institutions like pension funds that were prohibited from directly owning gold. For diversification purposes, it is quite useful to own asset classes that are increasing in value while other aren’t. It is well known that commodities do exactly that - they have a negative correlation to equities. So, GLD becomes an excellent way for institutions to further diversify their assets. A silver ETF was listed in May of 2006 and there is discussion of introducing a platinum ETF in 2007.

That’s all well and good, but it is the demand from Asia that will send gold to all-time highs. Asian cultures have a strong affinity for gold. One’s personal wealth is traditionally determined by how much gold is owned. Indian brides receive dowries of gold often in the form of gold jewelry or gold coins. Indian families store extra income from the harvest each year in gold jewelry. It is truly a fabric of their life.

China is on the verge of becoming the world’s next super power. As Asian investors become wealthier, their ownership of gold will increase. There are literally billions of people in China. It is true that many will not attain the standard of living as enjoyed in the US, but the demand created by hundreds of millions of Asians buying small amounts of gold will be unprecedented.

Yes, that demand will take some time to materialize, but investors in gold are quite pleased today. In 2006, GLD outperformed the S&P 500, 22.5% vs. 13.6%. My preferred vehicle Central Fund of Canada (CEF) a 55/45 mix of physical gold and silver outperformed them both, 37.2%.

I used to try to convince my friends to buy gold by talking about inflation, the decline of the dollar and geopolitics. Now I simply talk about supply and demand.

BTW, GLD was just recently listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.

About the Author

Michael Dawson recently said goodbye to a 20 year career in Engineering, Marketing and Sales to focus on living his dream of financial independence as a full-time trader on his on account. He has also established a financial education company, The Time & Money Group, to encourage others to pursue financial freedom and is publisher of the company's blog "Breaking the Shackles of the 9 to 5." His mantra is "Why trade time for money ... when you can have both.


Make sure to read one of Dawson's most popular articles: "Saying Good-Bye to the Time for Money Swap"

The Gold ETF

Let's start off with the assumption that you want to own gold. You want to own gold as a hedge against inflation. You want to own gold as a hedge against a declining currency, like the U.S. dollar. And you want to own gold -- well, for the same reason you would make any investment -- because the price is likely to go a lot higher in coming years.

But how do you own gold? Until this year you had two basic choices: You could own the metal or you could own shares of gold mining companies (for the purpose of this discussion I'm leaving out gold futures). The disadvantage of owning the metal is that it's not convenient. You have to store it and insure it. That's a pain. And the transaction costs can be high when you go to buy or sell it.

The disadvantage of owning the shares of mining companies is that you own a stock. And you have all the risks that you would have in owning any stock. Management may make poor decisions. Increased operating costs could hurt earnings. The price of the stock could go down while the price of the metal goes higher, etc.

There's a third way to own gold. And it may be the best way. StreetTracks Gold Trust (symbol: GLD), makes purchasing gold just as easy as buying shares of Microsoft or Starbucks. It's innovative and it offers a very liquid and cost-effective way to invest in an important asset that, until now, was not available to individual investors. In fact, it is so innovative and such a major advancement that it will dramatically change the way investors look at investing.

Here are some relevant facts about GLD…

  • The investment objective of the Trust is for the shares to reflect the performance of the price of gold bullion less the expenses of the Trust's operations. The shares are designed for investors who want a cost-effective and convenient way to invest in gold.
  • One unit (share) of GLD represents 1/10 of an ounce of gold. For example, if gold is at $470 an ounce, the shares will be priced at approximately $47.
  • GLD trades on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • It trades at a very small premium or discount to gold at any given time -- usually less than 1%.
  • Expenses are low -- currently 0.4%
  • GLD is very liquid. There are 66,900,000 shares outstanding. Average daily volume is almost two million shares. Assets are currently valued at $3,155,106,000. And that's after less than one year of trading.

    The StreetTracks Gold Trust has been one of the most successful new financial vehicles ever launched. And for good reason -- GLD is a great way to buy and sell gold.

    Copyright 2005

  • Larry Holmes invites you to visit http://www.smart-money-report.com/ Your common sense guide for financial and investment success.

    Mutual Funds

    Investing in Mutual Funds 101

    Have you ever heard the phrase "it takes money to make money"? Chances are you have, but do you know how to do it? Well, investing in mutual funds presents an excellent opportunity to invest the money that you have to create MORE! Mutual funds are perfect for people who would like to invest there money is a safe, simple way, while still maintaining a diversified portfolio.

    One of the golden rules of investing states: when you diversify your investments you reduce your risks without losing your returns. This is exactly what makes mutual funds do. So, how do you go about choosing the mutual fund that's right for you? Read on and learn more about these investment gems and you'll be putting your money to work in no time!

    A mutual fund is a collection of money, pooled together by all of its investors, used to purchase specific types of securities. These investments within the mutual fund are decided by investment professionals who run the mutual fund. The professional picks from a wide variety of stocks, bonds, money market instruments, or other financial instruments. The investments selected will depend on the fund's investment objectives. Because of this, it is very important to choose a fund with objectives that are compatible with yours.

    There are many benefits to consider when dealing with mutual funds. One major benefit is that mutual funds cost less. Unlike many single stocks, you do not have to have a lot of capital to purchase mutual funds and you can invest small amounts of money at any time with no additional trading costs. This makes mutual funds an excellent alternative to the low interest savings accounts found at local banks. Another benefit to consider is the face that mutual funs are very liquid. If you ever need to access your money invested in a mutual fund, it is very easy to do so.

    If you decide to invest in a mutual fund, you will be faced with a slight challenge; "which mutual fund do I choose?" There are over 10,000 mutual funds available at any time, so choosing which one to invest in can be an overwhelming decision. A great way to start is by researching different funds' past performance records and future goals. Along with this you should also consider what fees the mutual fund charges, it is usually a good idea to go with a fund that offers a low expense ratio and to avoid funds with additional sales charges.

    Another key factor in choosing a mutual fund is RISK. If a fund shows a rocky past of instability, you should think twice before investing your hard earned cash into it. Also, always check with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to make sure the company is legitimate and holds a good upstanding reputation.

    You will also have to consider which type of mutual fund to you would like to invest in. There are many different types of funds, such as, stock funds, index funds, municipal bond funds, corporate bond funds, money market funds, U.S. Government bond funds, and mortgage-backed securities funds.

    Investing in mutual funds is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to create a diversified, secure, and profitable portfolio. The best way to choose the right mutual fund is to study the market and fully understand all of your available options. If you do your homework, you will be able to pick a fund that will benefit you for years to come.

    A great starting point is the website http://investing4dummies.googlepages.com/ an excellent investment resource with lots of information on mutuals funds and more!

    Your Mutual Fund and Tax Consequences

    If you own a mutual fund as a regular savings account, you may be subject to paying taxes on your mutual fund. If you had a substantial income or capital gain distribution, you may have substantial taxes.

    Mutual funds that buy and then sell securities at a profit are called high turnover mutual funds. Their owners could be subject to taxes yearly. Those who do not turnover or sell the securities in their mutual fund have low turnover and their owners will not be subject to high taxes.

    Most mutual funds pay the capital gains and dividends once a year in October or December, read your prospectus, because this could be different for your mutual fund. There are a few that have quarterly payouts.

    The turnover of a mutual fund is listed on most mutual fund reports so you will know if you are getting a low turnover or high turnover mutual fund. Read mutual fund reports before investing in a mutual fund so you will have this information. An example of a low turnover mutual fund is 80%, an example of a high turnover mutual fund is 400%.

    If you purchase a mutual fund right before the payout date and you placed a lot of money in a high turnover mutual fund, you will still be responsible for the taxes for that tax year. You must wait until after the dividend and capital gain payout to avoid the taxes.

    The tax consequences on your mutual fund profit can be significant if 1. You have a lot of money in one mutual fund, and 2. You have a mutual fund manager who is engaged in high turnover of his securities. Get all of your facts before you purchase a mutual fund, read online report about the mutual fund you are interested in and then read the prospectus.

    Lois Center-Shabazz is the author of the award-winning book, "Let's Get Financial Savvy" and the editor of http://www.MsFinancialSavvy.com.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lois_Center-Shabazz

    Mutual Fund Performance

    Can you make good gains in stock and mutual funds? Well the facts suggest you cant and the risk reward is against you. If you do then you don’t make much.

    Mutual funds simply are a bad investment and with soaring oil prices choking economic growth the near term future is bleak.

    Let's look at the facts.

    1. 90% of mutual funds have performance that doesn’t even beat the index

    2. Those that do, consider a mutual fund performance as 10% + good. Add in inflation and that doesn’t leave you much.

    3. Downside risk is high and many mutual funds can drop by 30% and some even more

    4. Mutual funds that do badly simply disappear and another with a short term track record comes in its place and that if it fails it gets replaced.

    5. Mutual funds are selling organisations and the sales patter always sounds great but if you wrote to one and asked for an aggregate of all funds ever managed you wont get a reply

    6. Do mutual funds go out of business of they lose money? No, they still have their fees so performing is not an issue.

    So reality is over 10 years if you make double figures consistently, that’s good in terms of mutual fund performance, but not good if you are interested in building wealth.

    The best mutual performance (if your lucky to get it ) wont make you rich so what are the alternatives?

    Firstly, you can find better performing investments with lower downside risk and you do not have to blindly give your money to a fund manager to lose.

    Do a bit of research and homework – it wont take much effort and you will find a better investment.

    A better alternative

    A great investment is land. You may never have considered this but its cheap, easy to do has low risk and you can make big profits quickly.

    You don’t need insider information or even to do a lot of work, but you will be able to get better growth than the best mutual fund performance.

    A great investment in land is

    Costa Rica. Land prices has been steadily increasing year after year and many investors are doubling their investment in just a couple of years and that’s way ahead of the best mutual fund performance.

    Why is it increasing in value

    Well the reasons are simple and compelling

    Costa Rica is just a 3 hour flight from the US and property is 70% cheaper and so to are living costs.

    Americans in record numbers are buying property here to improve their lifestyle and these properties need to be built on land in fact, investment is at record highs.

    Why this bull makret will continue

    Land bought in the way of the influx of new buyers can be sold quickly, at big profits and this bull market is set to continue. Why?

    With 70 million baby boomers retiring in the next 15 years, with most unable to maintain their existing lifestyles means they will continue to go to Costa Rica for the good life at far lower cost they can get in the US.

    By land here and you can beat the best performing mutual trust and have less risk.

    We don’t have room here to explain all the advantages such as tax efficiency and ease of purchase but if you look into the facts you will see why this is a much better investment to build wealth longer term than even the best performing mutual fund.


    For more info on all aspects of investing in overseas real estate visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at http://www.net-planet.org/index.html

    samedi 18 août 2007

    Stock Market Diving

    Many people do not "believe" the stock market is a worthy investment. In other words, they think it's just like betting on the horses or throwing money into a slot machine. That line of thinking isn't supported by realistic data (the house eventually ends up wining when you gamble), but this week this "stuff it in the mattress" thinking crowd looks pretty smart.

    Due to the market woes, is there a fundamental problem in the US economy, an economy perhaps based too heavily on lending money to people who are in way way over their heads?

    Will the big time debtors among all of us bring down the solid citizens who responsibly pay bills on time and expect their savings to move along nicely in mutual funds and bonds?

    US Real Estate Crises

    It didn't take a genious to see that the housing buble was going to collapse causing many homeowners to crack under the pressure of their unaffordable loans.

    Both political parties in the US have come down on lenders and credit suppliers to be more responsible with lending out for home purchases. The number of foreclosures is going up and will probably get much worse. None of the home buyers who have gotten themselves in this situation could claim innocence.

    On discussing government aid:

    “I don’t see a way you could reasonably help the people you want to help,” said Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, “without also helping people you don’t want to help.”

    For more information on this issue.